Upgrade Instructions 7.1 → 7.2

By using composer, you can update an existing installation to a specific version, without having to create a new project.

For further information on what changed, please take a look at the changelogs (Neos, Flow)

#Update Instructions


Before making substantial changes, make sure you create a backup of the database and files!

cd /installation-root/
# Update the core package dependencies
composer require --no-update "neos/neos:~7.2.0"
composer require --no-update "neos/neos-ui:~7.2.0"
composer require --no-update "neos/site-kickstarter:~7.2.0"

# Update optional package dependencies (if installed)
composer require --no-update "neos/demo:~7.2.0"

If you still require neos/neos-ui-compiled in your composer.json, please remove the dependency since it's not needed anymore.

If you have development packages in your composer manifest, update them to match as well:

# Update development packages (if installed)
composer require --no-update --dev "neos/buildessentials:~7.2.0"


This section contains instructions for upgrading your Flow 7.1 based applications to Flow 7.2.

Not on Neos 7.1 yet?

If you are upgrading from a lower version than 7.1, be sure to read the upgrade instructions from the previous Release Notes first.

In general just make sure to run the following commands:

To update the dependencies to the latest version:

composer update

To clear all file caches:

./flow flow:cache:flush --force

If you have additional cache backends configured, make sure to flush them too.

To apply core migrations:

  ./flow flow:core:migrate <Package-Key>

For every package you have control over (see Upgrading existing code below).

To validate/fix the database encoding, apply pending migrations and to (re)publish file resources:

 ./flow database:setcharset
 ./flow doctrine:migrate
 ./flow resource:publish

#Upgrading existing code

#Breaking changes

Flow 7.2 comes with the following breaking change:


There have two changes in Flow 7.2 which might require your code to be adjusted.

All information you need to know for the upgrade can be found in the release notes' upgrade instructions section.

Given you have a Flow system with your (outdated) package in place you should run the following before attempting to fix anything by hand:

 ./flow core:migrate Acme.Demo

This will adjust the package code automatically and/or output further information. Read the output carefully and manually adjust the code if needed.

To see all the other helpful options this command provides, make sure to run:

 ./flow help core:migrate


If you run into trouble with Neos content or resources, the following may help: 

# If you get error messages when running Flow CLI commands:
rm -rf Data/Temporary

# If you experience issues with pages not working, try 
./flow node:repair

# If you experience issues with resources, thumbnail or assets, try
./flow resource:clean
./flow media:clearthumbnails