Upgrade Instructions 4.0 → 4.1

By using composer, you can update an existing installation to a specific version, without having to create a new project.

For further information on what changed please take a look at the changelog.


Before doing substantial changes, make sure you create a backup of the database and files!

cd /installation-root/
# Update the core package dependencies
composer require --no-update "neos/neos:~4.1.0"
composer require --no-update "neos/nodetypes:~4.1.0"

# Update optional package dependencies (if installed)
composer require --no-update "neos/demo:~4.1.0"
composer require --no-update "neos/site-kickstarter:~4.1.0"

If you have development packages in your composer manifest, update them to match as well:

# Update development packages (if installed)
composer require --no-update --dev "neos/buildessentials:5.1.x-dev"

#Getting the new UI 

To upgrade an existing project to the new React UI you have add the following dependencies. If you didn't upgrade already with Neos 4.0, you should definitely do it now.

# Change into your Neos directory
cd /installation-root/

# Flush the caches 
./flow flow:cache:flush --force

# Update the core package dependencies
composer require --no-update "neos/neos-ui:^1.4"

Custom Inspector Editors

If your project uses custom inspector-editors you will have to rewrite them for the new UI. We prepared the package neos-ui-extensibility-examples to help you doing so.

#Breaking changes

One potentially breaking change did happen, so in case you used the following mentioned things in your code, you will have to adjust your code:

  • If you implemented your own object or collection validator, please read this PR and check if you are affected.

#Finish the update

# Update the packages
composer update

# Flush the caches
./flow flow:cache:flush --force

# Run code migrations, as needed for any packages that need to be
# migrated. Rule of thumb:
# - any 3rd party packages that still install fine at least claim
#   to work, and should be updated by their maintainer(s).
# - your own packages should always be treated with a migration,
#   at least it marks that as done.
./flow flow:core:migrate <Vendor.PackageName>

# If not done since 4.0, set database charset and update to the
# current default given character set and collation
./flow database:setcharset

# Run database migrations
./flow doctrine:migrate

# Publish resources
./flow resource:publish


If you run into trouble with Neos content or resources, the following may help: 

# If you get error messages when running Flow CLI commands:
rm -rf Data/Temporary

# If you experience issues with pages not working, try 
./flow node:repair

# If you experience issues with resources, thumbnail or assets, try
./flow resource:clean
./flow media:clearthumbnails