Tagging assets automatically
Uploaded assets like images, documents or media files can be assigned to Tags and AssetCollections manually in the Media module. Especially for sites with many assets it is useful to automate this in order to keep files organized.
#Asset Collection based on site
Sites can already be assigned to an AssetCollection in the Sites Management module. If that is the case, any asset uploaded to a node within that site will automatically be added to the corresponding AssetCollection. This is especially useful in order to keep files of multi-site installations separated.
For more fine-granular manipulation the ContentController::assetUploaded signal can be used to alter assets based on the node they were attached to:
#Hooking into the asset creation
In order to hook into the asset creation, a new signal/slot connection has to be established. For this a new Package.php (usually in Packages/Site/The.Site/Classes/) has to be added:
Example: Package.php
namespace Some\Package;
use Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap;
use Neos\Flow\Package\Package as BasePackage;
use Neos\Neos\Controller\Backend\ContentController;
class Package extends BasePackage
public function boot(Bootstrap $bootstrap)
$dispatcher = $bootstrap->getSignalSlotDispatcher();
$dispatcher->connect(ContentController::class, 'assetUploaded', AssetManipulator::class, 'manipulateAsset');
If you created a new Package.php file you might need to run ./flow flow:package:rescan in order for Flow to pick it up!
The slot gets called with the following arguments:
- The Asset instance that is about to be persisted
- The NodeInterface instance the asset has been attached to
- The node property name (string) the asset has been assigned to
So the signature of the slot method could look like this:
function theSlot(Asset $asset, NodeInterface $node, string $propertyName)
This allows for manipulation of the asset based on the node property it has been assigned to.
#Example: Tagging employee images
Imagine you have a node type Employee with the following setup:
'Neos.Neos:Content': true
label: 'Employee'
label: 'Employee'
type: 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface'
label: 'Employee profile picture'
reloadIfChanged: true
group: 'employee'
mediaBrowser: false
The following code would automatically tag this with the employee tag (if it exists):
Example: AssetManipulator.php
namespace Some\Package;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;
use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset;
use Neos\Media\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
* @Flow\Scope("singleton")
class AssetManipulator
* @Flow\Inject
* @var TagRepository
protected $tagRepository;
public function assignTag(Asset $asset, NodeInterface $node, string $propertyName)
if (!$node->getNodeType()->isOfType('Some.Package:Employee') || $propertyName !== 'image') {
$employeeTag = $this->tagRepository->findOneByLabel('employee');
if ($employeeTag === null) {
Example: AssetManipulator.php - if you want to assign the Asset to an AssetCollection
namespace Some\Package;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;
use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Media\Domain\Model\Asset;
use Neos\Media\Domain\Repository\AssetCollectionRepository;
* @Flow\Scope("singleton")
class AssetManipulator
* @Flow\Inject
* @var AssetCollectionRepository
protected $assetCollectionRepository;
public function assignToAssetCollection(Asset $asset, NodeInterface $node, string $propertyName)
if (!$node->getNodeType()->isOfType('Some.Package:Employee') || $propertyName !== 'image') {
$employeesAssetCollection = $this->assetCollectionRepository->findOneByTitle('employees');
if ($employeesAssetCollection === null) {
Alternatively, the slot could also alter the asset’s title or caption.