Menu Fusion Objects


For rendering a Menu through AFX and Fusion, this usually looks like this (we'll explain it after the example):

prototype(YourVendor:Component.Organism.Menu) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    // 1
    menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems
    renderer = afx`
            <YourVendor:Component.Molecule.MenuLevel menuItems={props.menuItems}/>

// 2
prototype(YourVendor:Component.Molecule.MenuLevel) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {    
    # output from Neos.Neos:MenuItems
    menuItems = null
    renderer = afx`
            <Neos.Fusion:Loop items={props.menuItems}>
                <YourVendor:Component.Atom.MenuItem item={item} />

// 3
prototype(YourVendor:Component.Atom.MenuItem) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    # item from Neos.Neos:MenuItems
    item = null

	// 4
    subMenu = YourVendor:Component.Molecule.MenuLevel {
        @if = ${item.subItems}
        menuItems = ${item.subItems}

    // 5
    renderer = afx`
        <li class={props.liClass}>
            <Neos.Neos:NodeLink node={item.node}>{item.label}</Neos.Neos:NodeLink>

Let's go through the above code step by step:

  • The Menu is a Neos.Fusion:Component which fetches the menu structure through Neos.Neos:MenuItems.
  • (1) Neos.Neos:MenuItems returns a big recursive array (detailed below), which contains the menu structure. By passing parameters to Neos.Neos:MenuItems, you can customize e.g. how many levels are shown.
    Here, we see that Fusion objects do not have to return a string, but can return arbitrary data.
  • (2) Rendering a single menu level is done using a Neos.Fusion:Component, which iterates through all menu items of this level (via Neos.Fusion:Loop) and renders each menu item.
  • (3) The menu item is rendering the Sub Menu (4), by again delegating to MenuLevel and passes on the nested subItems. This is the recursive call to render the next menu level.
  • (5) the actual menu item is rendered by passing item.node to Neos.Neos:NodeLink.

#Returned Data Structure

The return value of Neos.Neos:MenuItems is a PHP array, looking like this:

// Manual
//   - Neos Configuration
// Reference
//   - Fusion Reference <-- This is the currently open page

return [
		"node" => (node of menu item - NodeInterface),
		"state" => "normal",
		"label" => "Manual",
		"menuLevel" => 1,
		"subItems" => [
				"node" => (node of menu item - NodeInterface),
				"state" => "normal",
				"menuLevel" => 2,
				"label" => "Neos Configuration",
				"subItems" => []
		"node" => (node of menu item - NodeInterface),
		"state" => "active",
		"label" => "Reference",
		"menuLevel" => 1,
		"subItems" => [
				"node" => (node of menu item - NodeInterface),
				"state" => "current",
				"menuLevel" => 2,
				"label" => "Fusion Reference",
				"subItems" => []

Each menu Item has the following properties:

  • node: Reference to the NodeInterface of the currently rendered node
  • state: State of the menu item, in relation to the currently rendered page. Useful for CSS class rendering of menu items.
    • "current", if this is the currently rendered page
    • "active", if the currently rendered page is below this page.
    • "normal" otherwise
  • label: The Node's label, as returned by NodeInterface::getLabel()
  • menuLevel: on which menu level is the currently rendered menu item? (starting from 1)
  • subItems: a list of child items, again with the same structure as shown here

By passing in options into Neos.Neos:MenuItems (as shown next), you can influence where the menu starts, how many levels it has, etc.

#Configuration Options

The MenuItems configuration options, if explained in a reference-style, might appear a bit confusing. Their naming (like startingPoint) and parts of their semantics (f.e. for entryLevel) were taken from our TYPO3 legacy. Looking at the Git history, most parts of MenuItemsImplementation.php are from the years 2010-2015 - so it's certainly one of the oldest still-running code-areas.

Instead of showing all properties reference-style, we'll rather show the most common examples:

# Example Structure:
// Manual
//   - Neos Configuration
//   - Node Types explained
// Reference
//   - Fusion Reference
//       - Neos.Fusion
//       - Neos.Neos
//   - Eel Reference

// Render the first two levels of the Menu, by default starting from the site.
// ... will output the first two levels from above, so:
// Manual
//   - Neos Configuration
//   - Node Types explained
// Reference
//   - Fusion Reference
//   - Eel Reference
menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
	maximumLevels = 2

// Only render the second menu level, without children
// If you are on the homepage, will output nothing (root level)
// If you are on the "Reference" page or any subpage, will output:
// - Fusion Reference
// - Eel Reference
menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
    entryLevel = 2
    maximumLevels = 1

// Only render the children of the currently active page:
menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
    // "EntryLevel = 0" means **THE CURRENTLY ACTIVE PAGE**
    entryLevel = 0
    maximumLevels = 1


Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems outputs the "Breadcrumb" or "Rootline" towards the given page, i.e. the path from the root page towards the current page.

You should use Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems as a data provider inside a Neos.Fusion:Component which outputs the breadcrumb menu, as explained above for Neos.Neos:MenuItems.

An example will explain this thoroughly:

# Example Structure:
// Manual
//   - Neos Configuration
//   - Node Types explained
// Reference
//   - Fusion Reference
//       - Neos.Fusion      <---- we are here
//       - Neos.Neos
//   - Eel Reference

When the Neos.Fusion page is rendered, Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems will return the following menu items, in order:

  • Home (not shown in the "example structure" above, the root node - however it is called)
  • Reference
  • Fusion Reference
  • Neos.Fusion it always ends with the currently selected page.


#Returned Data Structure

The data structure is the same as explained in Neos.Neos:MenuItems above, just the subItems are always empty.

#Configuration Options

Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems has no configuration options.


Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems outputs links to different variants of the current page, f.e. to the different languages this page exists in. It is useful to f.e. render a language switcher.

You should use Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems as a data provider inside a Neos.Fusion:Component which outputs the breadcrumb menu, as explained above for Neos.Neos:MenuItems.

#Returned Data Structure

The data structure is the same as explained in Neos.Neos:MenuItems above, just the subItems are always empty, and the nodes returned are from different dimensions.

#Configuration Options

Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems has the following configuration options:

  • renderHiddenInIndex (default: true):  if documents which are hidden in index should be rendered or not
  • dimension: name of the dimension to use, if only a single dimension should be shown. If not set, all allowed dimension combinations are rendered.
  • presets: List of presets, if the default order should be overridden. Only  used with dimension set.
  • includeAllPresets (default: false): if true, items for all presets will be included, ignoring dimension constraints

The most common configuration is as follows:

// render all different dimensions
menuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems

The following examples are just relevant if you have more than one dimension configured (e.g. Language and Country):

// render the different variants in the "language" dimension
menuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems {
	dimension = "language"

Cases with other options defined are quite rare.

#Legacy Prototypes


Neos.Neos:Menu is a Fluid-backed component. For new projects, you should not use Fluid anymore to define the menu rendering of your output. 

Use Neos.Neos:MenuItems and render via Neos.Fusion:Component and AFX instead.


Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenu is a Fluid-backed component. For new projects, you should not use Fluid anymore to define the menu rendering of your output. 

Use Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems and render via Neos.Fusion:Component and AFX instead.


Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu is a Fluid-backed component. For new projects, you should not use Fluid anymore to define the menu rendering of your output. 

Use Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems and render via Neos.Fusion:Component and AFX instead.


Neos.Fusion:Content is a Fluid-backed content component. For new projects, you should not use Fluid anymore to define the frontend rendering of your output.

Use Neos.Neos:ContentComponent and AFX instead.