Signals and Slots
Due to the change of the Content Repository implementation, a number of signals have been removed in Neos 9. Below you will find a list of all removed signals.
Most most of the slots/signals can get replaced with a custom CatchUp-Hook on one of the content projections.
#Removed Signals
Custom slots implementations
If you have custom slots connecting with any of these signals, this will no longer work with Neos 9.0 and will require a change in your implementation.
- nodePublished
- nodeDiscarded
- beforeAdoptNode
- afterAdoptNode
- repositoryObjectsPersisted
- baseWorkspaceChanged
- beforeNodePublishing
- afterNodePublishing
- nodePathChanged
- beforeNodeMove
- afterNodeMove
- beforeNodeCopy
- afterNodeCopy
- nodePathChanged
- beforeNodeCreate
- afterNodeCreate
- nodeAdded
- nodeUpdated
- nodeRemoved
- beforeNodePropertyChange
- nodePropertyChanged
- nodePublished
- nodeDiscarded